3-Months Free Curriculum
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Your Free 3-Month Subscription Will Include:
Weekly email templates with embedded leader prep videos that will help you streamline preparing your leaders for the classroom.
Weekly lesson plans for babies, toddlers, preschool, elementary, preteen, and youth!
These lesson plans include:
Memory Verse - so that you can make sure kids always have access to Scripture in their hearts and minds even when the going gets tough!
Opening Activity - so you can get the kids engaged as soon as service begins! This activity is a fun way to get kids excited to be in church and better yet, prepare them to hear the Bible Lesson!
Object Lesson - so you can teach difficult or unknown ideas in a simple way that kids can understand. Jesus used object lessons, so we do too!
Bible Story Script - so you can teach the Bible story with no technology needed! No skit team? No problem! All you need is one volunteer to be the Bible storyteller! Use the kids to help you tell the story! What a great way to make the Bible come alive!
Bible Story Review Activity - so that you can make sure kids understand and remember the Bible story each week. This fun activity is an exciting game or craft that will help kids remember what they’ve learned!
Application Activity- so kids can see how the Bible story and their own lives connect. This game or craft activity is designed to challenge kids to find ways to live out what they’ve leaned!
Large Group Lesson - so you can present the Bible story in an engaging way that kids will understand! Opening activities, object lessons, and the Bible Story can be presented with ease.
Small-Group Discussion - so you can build relationships with the kids in your ministry while also gauging what they’ve learned. Help children learn more about God AND give them a safe place to make connections with peers and trusted adults!
Presentation Slides - so you can present your large group lesson with ease! We include everything you need to teach an engaging lesson in both ProPresenter and Google Slides formats!
Gospel Connection - so you can connect every Bible story to the message of Jesus! Elementary, preteen, and youth lessons explicitly connect the Bible story to God’s great plan to redeem humanity! What a great God we have!
Age leveled lessons for babies, toddlers, preschool, elementary, preteen and youth
Includes large group and small group resources
This curriculum is an instant download